Email Marketing
Why Use Email Marketing
There are many advantages of using Email Marketing:• It is a convenient and quick way to distribute information to target recipients at relatively low cost.
• Email campaigns are measurable; it is possible to determine which recipient responded to a message.
• Recipients expressed interest in the subject you are Emailing them and are waiting for the information.
• It is easy to track user response to email messages; bounce mails, unsubscribes and clicks can easily be managed.
• Email Marketing uses one of the most environmentally-friendly paper-less technology in the industry.
While we acknowledge the advantages, we are fully aware that a successful Email Marketing campaign can only be achieved using best practice Email Marketing methodologies. There are many factors we need to consider when we send Email Marketing campaigns: layout and length of message, time of delivery, message subject, message content, and many other aspects that need our attention.
A low quality content or poorly maintained mailing list can ruin any Email Marketing campaign. It is therefore very important to understand how successful electronic direct mail campaigns work by looking at these fine details.
Premium Email Marketing Services
We understand the importance of sending your message to your intended recipients. Every email successfully sent is an opportunity to generate brand awareness, sales leads or any of your outlined objectives. However, successfully sending a message is only part of the success journey in any Email Marketing campaign. Convincing recipients to open their mail, read the message and act on it requires specific focus.With Progressive Online Media Group, we will save you the trouble of designing your Email, maintaining your mailing list and testing your email across various clients. POMG can even help you develop your content or provide insights on campaign results based on performance reports of your campaigns.
• POMG will design your email.
• POMG will manage your mailing list by creating subscription forms and removing bounce email addresses.
• POMG will test your email across multiple email clients to ensure messages are properly displayed.
Local Marketing Program
POMG can help you expand your email marketing campaign’s reach with our Permission Based Marketing Service.With our Permission Based Marketing Service you will be able to add your promotion or message to a local non-competing and complementary business email marketing campaign, in turn expanding your marketing reach and helping you get the most out of your advertising budget.
For more information about our services or company please call 732-784-8383 or Contact us today.